Avoiding Procrastination During Online Classes

You only have to recognize how many memes are made and shared about procrastination to know that it’s a pretty prevalent issue for most people. But why do you procrastinate and how can you overcome the tendency to put things off until you’re so anxious and frantic that you have to get your schoolwork done?

Excel High School’s self-paced programs are a great opportunity for students to live a full life while still working on their classes online. But we have seen plenty of students struggle to find the motivation to get started on their coursework and meet their deadlines. We have some helpful information about why we procrastinate and what you can do to turn this habit around.

Check Your Mindset

First of all, it’s important to forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past. If you’re looking for ways to move past this behavior, then that’s a step in the right direction. Celebrate this first step!

Another thing to think about is why you’re procrastinating in the future? Some people procrastinate because the work they’re doing isn’t really fun, and there are plenty of other things that you’d rather be doing. That’s a pretty normal human behavior! So don’t get too down on yourself about it.

Sometimes you’ll find yourself procrastinating because you want to do the task perfectly, so you’ll spin and spin and avoid the task because you don’t want to make a mistake. Remember that learning is messy! It’s okay not to do everything perfectly, and you’ll never reach any level of learning if you don’t get right in there and get started.

Another issue is if you’re struggling with symptoms of ADHD. Students with ADHD can have a hard time knowing what task to do to start. This is something that many people struggle with, so recognizing that is a great way to start to tackle the issue.

Find Reasons Not to Procrastinate

One thing you can do to avoid procrastinating is to sit down and list the ways that not procrastinating can help you. How will you feel when you get started on work right away? You’ll probably feel better than when you’re sitting late at night worrying about the assignment that was due yesterday! Recognizing your own personal benefits of getting started on work right away can help motivate you.

Some instances of procrastination start because we haven’t set manageable goals for ourselves. One thing you can do to avoid procrastination is to set some small, doable goals instead of the big ones that seem overwhelming. Break down your classes into manageable chunks and celebrate by rewarding yourself in some way when you reach those smaller goals. Small goals are not less important than larger goals! Every small goal adds up to finishing larger tasks. 

Be Active in Your Classes

When you’re in an online classroom, you can feel isolated. Don’t! You have a set of people rooting for you and ready to support you in your academic journey. Your instructors want to hear from you, and we offer opportunities for students to connect like Conversation Club for middle school students and High School Hangout for upper classmen. Getting involved in your school and interacting with your instructors and peers is a great way to stay active in your learning.

Another way to make sure you’re engaging with your coursework is by both taking notes and interacting with those notes. Review your notes daily or weekly, whatever fits best into your schedule. If you’re comfortable with the notes you’ve written, then you’ll be more ready to tackle any of the work you have coming up.

Talking about what you’re learning with friends and family members is another great way to stay active in your academics. When your parent or guardian asks you what you’re learning, instead of shrugging your shoulders and grunting, tell them! Have a conversation about what you are learning: you might end up teaching them something they never knew or completely forgot about, and you’ll feel more comfortable with the work you’re doing, too. 

Ask for Check-ins

This can be a tough one! You want to be independent, but let’s be realistic. If you’re struggling with procrastination and you have people who love and care for you and are willing to support you, then let them! You can ask friends or family members to help hold you accountable to a schedule. Sit down with them, set up a schedule with those important small, measurable, and manageable goals, and let them help you reach them.

Not only will this help you break the stronghold that procrastination has on you, but it will also build an important and strong bond with the people who are helping you stay accountable. Human beings need each other, so let others be a positive influence on you. You won’t regret learning how to get help when you need it.

Excel High School

Online programs can provide a lot of great opportunities for you. Between the flexibility and variety of courses, you’re sure to find the right path for your individual needs. 

If you’re not already a student with Excel High School but would like to learn more, feel free to check out our programs on our website. Still got questions? Feel free to reach out to us by text at 952-465-3700 or call us at 800-620-3844. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you have and guide you to the best program for your individual needs.

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