Why Does High School Start So Early?

One of life’s greatest mysteries.  Not to mention a question that a good majority of high school students have asked.

School Alarm

Why does class start so early?

After all, how many students enjoy waking up at 6:30-7 just so they can make it to first period?  Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who’s school doesn’t start till 8:30 or 9.  But for many students around the country, that first bell rings at 7:30 or earlier.

Why should class start so much earlier than the typical 9-5 work day?

Students Aren’t the Only Ones Who Think it’s Too Early

Susan Whooley (who is the executive director of the American School Health Association) thinks starting school so early is one of the worst things you can do to a student’s readiness.  Physically and psychologically  a typical teenager isn’t geared to walk up and engage their mind that early.  Doing so affects both their performance and their attitude.

And Many Teenagers Can’t Help It

For students who have a job, they won’t get home till 10:30 or later at night.  Since they have to wake up at 7 AM or earlier, that doesn’t leave much room for both homework and sleep.  A student shouldn’t be forced into sleep deprivation because they have to have a job.  But if you’re going to a traditional school, you don’t have much of a choice as to when your classes happen.

The Answer is Online High School

If you struggle with early mornings and rigid class schedules that don’t fit your personal schedule, online high school is the answer for you.  With online high school, you still have due dates for assignments or tests, but the time you take the class is all up to you.  Learn when you want to, on your terms.  It leaves you with more room to work, more time to sleep, and more opportunities to simply live your life.


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